Tuesday, January 23, 2007


While I have been waiting for the TCP/IP fix from my vendor I have been busy with changes to WxLoader. WxLoader has been completely reworked. This application now connects to the Weather Message Server using tcp/ip and no longer needs a processing directory. This eliminates the need for setting up alarms to archive products to a WxLoader directory.

It connects as a map client and can process any message sent to the map. There are a number of changes to this application. I hope to release a beta version by the weekend. It does require you to change the "files name" to "awips" identifers. This is caused by the fact that it no longer processes files.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


A problem was identified with the new purging capability. If you used the number of products option, the program would not purge December products when January products arrived. I uploaded the fix to the website.