Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Year End Comments

It is hard to believe that Weather Message is now six years old. For an application that started out as a paging add-in for other EMWIN applications, it has turned into so much more. I credit the success of Weather Message to you the end users. Your suggestions and ideas have driven my development efforts.

I spent all of 2006 rewriting the Weather Message applications. Users started testing version 3.0 at the end of 2006. It was officially released in March 2007. Versions 3.1 and 3.2 were released this year with a number of major enhancements.

I am still working down my list of change requests. The list has gotten smaller, but there is still alot of work to be completed. Look for more of these in version 3.3.

I thank you for your continued support. My hope for you, your families and the agencies and communities you serve is a great and prosperous New Year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

December Note

December has been a busy month for me personally. I have been extremely busy with my "day job". New responsibilities and other concerns have required my full attention.

With a couple of days off for the holidays, I will be making some additional changes. Look for them sometime Christmas evening. I am off now to make my rounds and visit family.

Merry Christmas to all.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Windows Vista - UAC

Windows Vista's new UAC (User Account Control) may be redirecting the registry and c:\program files\wxmesgnet access to a virtual directory. I have not received a problem report yet, but it would cause an issue if two different users log into the same computer. They would have independent program settings.

The rerouting of the registry and program files directory is a result of virtualization by the UAC changes for 32 bit applications. Microsoft no longer allows standard users to access c:\program files\(application name) any longer. They has have removed the ability to access HKey_LocalMachine\Software for standard users.

Basically Microsoft does not want developers to store application configuration data in c:\program files\(application name) any longer. The same goes for the registry location HKey_LocalMachine\Software.

Virtulization occurs for applications that do not have an embedded manifest. An embedded manifest identifies the type of access that the application needs. The manifest can request administrator access or invoker access. At the present time Weather Message does not contain an embedded manifest.

With the new VS2008 development environment, I can easily embed the manifest. I am concerned that turning on the manifest will result in users losing their existing settings. I will be testing this further before enabling the manifest.