Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer happenings

This has really been one busy and exciting summer for me. I live in the rural area of Tallapoosa County, Alabama. Because of that I have had well water for most of my life. A recent water expansion project by the local water authority brought "city" water by my home. I am now glad to say that I have "city" water.

For those of you that have never had to deal with a water well - be grateful. My well was 205 feet deep and had big issues with iron content. Everything here at my house has been stained red since I built the house. I can say that the pump would always stop at the time that you needed it the most. When that happened, pulling out 205 feet of pipe was a task to say the least.

To add to the excitment, my youngest sister was pregnant with twins. The babies showed up this past Monday 15 weeks early. At the moment Jacob and Cody are doing ok at UAB "Childrens Hospital". One was 1 pound 9 ounces and the other 1 pound and 12 ounces. Please pray for my new nephews. My sister had been in the hospital for two weeks prior confined to the bed. UAB is about a two hours drive from here, so will be supporting the gas companies for the next several months.

With all of the above and the time needed to keep up with the grass and some bushhogging, I have been busy. I still have a number of changes in the works. More good things will follow.

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