Sunday, December 10, 2006

ByteBlaster Server Notes

I number of changes have been made to the 3.0 ByteBlaster Server. It now requires that clients send a verification packet once. The original byteblaster server required that clients send a verification packet once every 12 minutes. There is no need for that requirement and it has now been dropped.

I have noticed a number of unusual disconnects in the byteblaster server log. After alot of research and some changes, I have found that some clients are not sending an identification / verification packet. If no verification packet is received, the server will disconnect the client after 12 minutes.

The verification packet should be sent right after connection and once every 12 minutes. The format of this packet is:
ByteBlast Client|NM-email@server.com|V1

Replace email@server.com with the appropriate email address. The verification packet should be Xor'd with hex FF before sending.

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